How to select a hospital Insurance software

Hospital insurance, charity, laboratory efficiency

The hospital insurance management module has saved hospitals crores of rupees through improved process control, operations streamlining, and claims submission. The hospital insurance software module for TPA insurance processing integrates with the front office, patient care, and finance modules to ease the workload. With the advent of the Insurance Regulatory authority of India (IRDA), the healthcare industry had undergone dramatic changes. The growing number of health insurance providers has also meant more paperwork and processing for the hospital back office, resulting in delayed claim settlement and disputes.
Features of TPA hospital insurance management module
  • Create inpatient and outpatient treatment packages
  • Provision for adding Insurance category, Insurance subcategory, Insurance provider, etc
  • Provision for setting the premium amount of different insurance categories based on the Insured amount
  • Provision for entering the Insurance Member and Dependent details
  • Different payment modes for premium collection(cash, credit)
  • Visit details of a member or dependent
  • Separate Item rate for Insured patients in billing
  • Option for crediting the bills to Insurance for Insurance members and dependents
  • Provision for entering the Insurance claims
  • Provision for selecting and exporting all the bills of the selected patient during the period
  • Option to add or delete bills during claim entry
  • Provision for settling the previously entered claims
  • Provision for writing off the unsettled claims
  • Status of claim bills with the separate color scheme
  • Insurance Query for locating and identifying the Insurance details
  • Insurance Renewal: Group renewal and single-member renewal

Hospital laboratory efficiencyHospital laboratory software, hospital insurance management, for charity hospital

The hospital laboratory is yet another department that brings revenue to the hospital through out-patient and in-patient departments, besides walk-in patients. Quite often, due to a lack of controls, inadequate diagnostic mechanisms, and ill-designed reporting structures, the hospitals tend to have huge leaks in the laboratory revenue and mismanagement in the inventory of reagents and chemicals. The 2-day hospital laboratory efficiency management training would assist hospital administrators and owners streamline the operations with the assistance of our experts.

The re-engineering expertise is offered by SA-Vikas, among the largest selling and Vikas / Netra helpdesk solution vendors in East Africa, Maldives, Cameroon, Zimbabwe & India with experience in implementing laboratory efficiency, and cost-saving measures, and process optimization systems at over 250+ hospitals. Read about benefits of healthcare ERP software.

Benefits of deploying LIMS software
  • Standardization of medical test results
  • Records to manage stock inventory of laboratory reagents
  • Know how to integrate LIS with auto analyzers
  • Implementing bar code system for laboratory samples
  • Profit center accounting practices in laboratories
  • Introducing reporting systems for hospital laboratory
  • Design triggers on critical operating parameters
  • Integration of front office billing system with other departments
  • Standard operating procedures, roles, and responsibilities
  • Measuring IAQ to ensure hygiene and infection control protocols

Please call us to know how our reliable and dependable ERP implementation services related to LIMS in a hospital laboratory, hospital pharmacy, and in-patient revenue management, and improved laboratory efficiency can bring you peace of mind.

Fund management & donation – Mission & charity hospitals play a key role in the national healthcare ecosystem by improving the health of the communities they serve. Most such healthcare providers allocate a portion of their revenue for charity but it is always a tedious task to effectively manage the charity provisions within the practice.

Emmanuel Hospital Association is the largest Christian missionary healthcare organization in India and one of the prominent clients of Vikas software since 2016. EHA has a network of 20 hospitals and 42 Community development projects located in challenging rural and semi-urban parts of the country. With its strong team of 180 experienced doctors and 2700 nursing, paramedical, and hospital administration staff, EHA addresses the healthcare needs of about a million population.

With the expertise in managing these leading missionary hospital chains like Emmanuel Hospital Association, Seventh Day Adventist Hospital, etc. Our Vikas/ Teja hospital information EMR systems are well equipped with an extensive Charity Management Module that depicts the following

Features of Charity hospital software

  • Configure charity based on inpatient type
  • Whatever the patient type is defined by the hospital, can be easily configured under the charity system.
  • Automatic concession for different charity types.

Automatic concession calculation through pre-set criteria for all charity types. As the concession for different patient types are preconfigured, the concession amount is automatically deducted and staff no longer need to spend time on hectic calculations

Charity, mission hospital requests provision and approval facilities

An easily manageable platform for submission & verification of charity bills by the decision authorities. This allows top management to close monitoring of charity provisions.

Charity, mission hospital analysis reports

Relevant doctor & department-wise charity analysis reports with graphical interfaces can be easily generated. Patient type-wise charity details, Company-wise charity details are already available and any type of customized report as per requirement can be configured. Read about hospital ERP and Electronic Medical Records.

Easy finance management of charity & mission hospital accounts

Vikas provides automatic accounts posting to different charity headers which will result in easy charity accounts processing.

Charity limit setting for different charity types.

Charity limits for each patient type are predefined that ensuring control over providing discounts.

Manage charity recipients and their dependents.

Family and relationship dependencies of a charity recipient can be easily managed through the charity module

Additional donation & concession configuration

Provision to give group-wise concession for charity head & provision to give exclusive and inclusive items for concession. The hospital process maturity improvements can be looked at this stage.

Mission hospital – donation fund management

Using the fund management provision, donations to the hospital can be easily allocated to specific charity projects. The details from receipt of the funds, and allocation of funds to different hospital branches to fund utilization can be easily managed through the charity hospital management module. 

 Streamlining donation & charity fund Management

Vikas hospital ERP software had a comprehensive module for Insurance processing for multi-location hospitals with PPN and other facilities.

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Vikas ERP
Duleep Sahadevan, Founder and director at Software Associates Information Technologies. Brings over 2 decades of expertise in Healthcare and logistics ERP software solutions. Done research papers on Return On Investment (IIMK 2008), Digital Self service (2014 Utrecht University), Design thinking (Utrecht 2022)