How to learn more about hospital cost savings initiative

Eye hospital cost savings initiative

Hospital cost savings initiative. Netra eye hospital software ophthalmology EMR, clinic & eye hospital cost savings through automation software – Healthcare is experiencing a radical change. Due to constantly changing government policies, shortage of skilled personnel, and increasing healthcare costs healthcare decision-makers are making hard decisions about budgets. If they invest in something, they need to know whether the investment is adding value to their eye hospital organization and improving patient outcomes

Netra 2.0 eye hospital cost savings software on cloud with Ophthalmology EMR

Eye hospital cost savings initiative

Exporting data from other eye hospital software vendors

Stuck with eye hospital software vendors providing poor support during Covid 19 days? We do data transfer and complete software conversion from other vendor software We provide reliable helpdesk support, product upgrades, and related services to help you tide over difficult times in the pandemic era. Read about the benefits of eye hospital automation software.

How Netra 2.0 eye hospital management software helps

  • A process-driven counseling and surgery management module in Netra ensures smooth counselor working, increased surgery conversions, and follow-up. Research across our clients ensures an average of x% increase in surgery conversions and counselor performance.
  • Netra has strategic software features for optical and pharmacy prescription management that ensure increased optical & pharmacy sales
  • As per our analysis, Netra has proven an average of 45% reduction in patient wait times and an average of 2 hr/day time savings for administrator report preparations.
  • Netra 2.0 optometry medical device integration systems are well equipped to attain a zero error rate in optometry that ensures complete patient safety
  • Netra 2.0 fully digitizes eye hospital operations that avoid hidden costs in physical MRD. Netra optimizes staff strength across departments whereby additional staff can be utilized for other hospital activities.
  • Netra 2.0 MIS has 150+ management analysis reports that help in real-time decision-making. The system alerts users on preventive maintenance, machine calibration, and license renewals. Map patients area-wise, and diagnosis-wise and ensure targeted promotions through SMS platforms.
  • Netra 2.0 supports NABH-compliant process methodologies and reports. Centralized inventory management ensures optimum Inventory levels across departments and we have proven calculations of avoiding revenue leakage within the pharmacy and central stores.

Netra eye hospital software & Opthalmology EMR software

Return on Investment is no more an uncommon term among the members of the medical community. ROI refers to individuals /organizations making an investment by using their cash to pay for a product o service on the assumption that it should deliver positive returns to them in some form. Today’s healthcare organizations try to maximize the ROI through effective operations, patient management, clinic practice quality and ultimately acquiring patient satisfaction at the same time, deploying solutions for hospital cost reduction. 

To align with the emerging digital space, eye hospitals are increasingly making investments in healthcare technologies like Electronic Medical Records (Ophthalmology EMR) or Eye Hospital Management Software.

But it’s often unanswered by the technology providers whether the investments are worthwhile to the eye hospitals. With 100 + installations across India & abroad Netra eye hospital software answers our client’s investment calls. Through testing client data using the Smart hospital ROI calculator we could find highly transformative results i.e,. high positive ROI for the eye hospitals that adopted Netra. The savings can be mapped against cost and time savings across various eye hospital departments.

Difficulty in surgery conversions and mapping of counselor performance

As per calculations, eye surgeries top in revenue contribution to an eye hospital. But due to a lack of process-driven counseling, counselors usually find difficulty in attaining targeted surgery conversions. The issue pertains to timely communication of packages, follow-up of surgery postponed, and interested patients. The hospital lacks methodologies to assess counselor performance.

Untapped revenue opportunities in eye hospital pharmacy & optical sales.

Pharmacy and optical sales are 2 of important revenue centers that are often untapped for more revenue opportunities for eye hospital cost savings.

Eye hospital Patient wait time, Long staff work hours 

Lack of a system that lacks operational excellence increase patient wait times across various process points and results in dissatisfaction. Usually, administrative Staff has to work extra hours out of their normal timings to finish their daily activities like report preparations.

Increased optometry errors, patient safety questioned

Usually, as per our analysis across clients, 25 – 30 out of 100 patients are reworked in the Optometry department due to optometrist entry errors which is a great concern for patient safety.

Improper purchase and inventory management

Improper purchase and stock management results in increased material procurement costs, lack of control over nonmoving items in the pharmacy, and stock pilferage. Most manual and legacy software systems lack provisions to map these revenue leakage areas. Besides, group procurement practices ensure the best pricing

Lack of workflow optimization & unidentified revenue loss through MRD

MRD is a hidden expense element that carves out a good portion of eye hospitals’ earned revenue. Also, the manual work process in the hospital requires increased staff strength across departments and lacks standardization in staffing.

Lack of real-time information, poor asset management, and marketing practices

Decision-makers often confront a lack of information for real-time decision-making. Lack of preventive maintenance, no proper info on machine calibration, and license renewals can cost hospitals significant loss of money. Inadequate info on patient information and a lack of SMS platforms affect hospital promotions and marketing activities.

Poor technical support from the software Vendor

Most ophthalmology clinics find it difficult to be compliant with healthcare standards like NABH with their existing systems. Most hospitals that have implemented EMR software face poor customer support and most software products are not compliant with healthcare standards like NABH.

Netra eye hospital cost savings software & Ophthalmology EMR ROI calculator

Hospital cost savings initiative. The healthcare industry needs a standardized approach that uses a proven measurement process to generate credible evidence of the impact of investments on outcomes. To prove our clients are actually benefited from their investments, Netra eye hospital software provides documented proof of the savings potential in absolute numbers that Netra eye hospital software brings by transforming the process and reduction of costs at your eye hospital.

Eye Hospital cost savings / ROI chart for group practices

Problem Scenario post-Netra eye hospital software implementation Cost savings
Low surgery revenue X % more of counseled patients converted to surgery xxxx
Underutilized manpower Optimum staffing in departments and increased staff efficiency xxxxx
……….. ………………. xxxxx

Like the above Netra eye hospital cost saving solution is equipped with researched calculations that demonstrate positive outcomes and savings on 10+ eye hospital parameters.

Contact our experts to know more about Netra eye hospital cost savings initiative, Ophthalmology EMR software and analyze your hospital’s Return on Investment

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Akshith Pandith Product manager