WhatsApp integration & SMS software for hospital applications
WhatsApp integration and SMS is an effective and affordable means for communicating with various stakeholders. With the help of the HIS hospital software solution and SMS server, hospitals can seamlessly reach out to the target audience with no effort.
- Doctor updates on appointment schedules and meetings
- Marketing communications for patients
- Blood donor information and alerts
- Infant immunization alerts for parents
- Performance alerts for doctor owners
- Stock-related queries for pharmacists and store managers
- Maintenance schedules for engineers
- Monthly performance figures to shareholders
- Instant message to duty staff
WhatsApp in hospital communication
Oxo Hospital is a 200-bed super specialty unit that is based in Bengaluru and has been extending quality healthcare services to a population of over a million since 1965. By implementing Vikas 2.0 lite small hospital software, a two-way rule-based WhatsApp engine, the organization has been able to make significant gains using the existing Linux cloud framework to enhance customer satisfaction and provide simplified access to critical hospital management information through smartphone handsets.
Patient benefits
- Fix an appointment with the doctor
- Get the history of the last 2 check-ups
- Get BP/ ECG / Blood Sugar level in the last check-up
- Find a specialist like a cardiac surgeon or pediatrician
- Update on hospital facilities and health policies on demand
- Health Insurance claims update
Hospital benefits
- Alert on the vaccination due dates and medication reminder to patients
- Message to confirm the appointment with a doctor/dentist
- Alerts on new diseases and vaccines like Hepatitis B
- Alerting blood donors forums
- Well wishing messages to discharged patients
- Medical headlines on the mobile
- Patient referral notes
Physician’s benefits
- Appointment scheduled with the patients
- Conferences, attendance at conventions and meetings from the Hospital
- Information regarding new policies
- Daily in-patient list
- End of the day consultation summary
Doctor owner benefits
- End of the day cash collection
- Alert high-value payments
- Purchase summary for the day
- Inpatient / Outpatient statistics
Vikas 2.0 and Netra 2.0 Eye / generHospital Management Software solution comprises patient workflow monitoring, hospital equipment monitoring, Data Analytics, ERP implementation, WhatsApp integration, and hospital patient portal.