Hospital human resource management
Hospital human resource management software – For HR best practices must be a priority for any progressive and patient-centric hospital, whether the objectives are charity or commercial. It is a known fact that the availability and retention of an experienced and quality workforce remains a challenge for service organizations globally.
Hospital human resource management software
The HR module allows people engagement, tracking of employment history, and performance appraisal. Add-on modules allow tracking of managerial roles and responsibilities to ensure the completion of initiatives on time.
- Improve your hospital resource management practices
- Increase employee retention through appraisals
- Prevent the drain of hospital internal knowledge
- Periodic employee appraisal parameters
- Employee confidential report
- Generate a letter of appointment
- Security clearance Form
- Issue experience certificate
- Print employee ID card
- Staff Joining Report using the HR module
- User system login report
- Storage of resumes for future needs
- Workforce productivity monitoring
- Assign roles and responsibilities to key employees
- Track Key Result Areas
- Human resource workflow monitoring on shop floor
- Tracking employee workflow across multiple units
- Alert on reporting laggards and performers
- Reminders for department heads
- Assign roles and responsibilities to internal audit staff
- Employee portal for communication and collaboration
- Integration with hospital workflow and staff productivity tracking tools