Netra 2.0 Ophthalmology EMR software for eye hospital regulatory compliance has already gained industry recognition among various renowned eye care hospitals in major cities. Netra 2.0, with its optimized process flow modules, has helped our clients easily tackle various complexities in the NABH accreditation process and ensure that the standards are implemented and integrated with the hospital’s functioning. Clients include leading eye hospitals in Bengaluru
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (such as NABH) is a constituent board of the Quality Council of India (QCI), set up in 2006 to establish and operate accreditation programs for healthcare organizations. NABH has designed an exhaustive healthcare standard consisting of stringent 600 plus objective elements for hospitals to achieve, to enable NABH accreditation.
Netra 2.0 Ophthalmology EMR software
NABH standards are divided between patient-centered standards and organization-centered standards. These standards call for continuous monitoring of sentinel events and a comprehensive corrective action plan. Here are some important ways in which Netra 2.0 eye hospital management software contributes to achieving patient and organization-centered standards.
Access, Assessment, and Continuity of Care (AAC).
- Documentation of initial assessment procedures, and recording of vitals. Patient case sheet with all relevant information.
- Generate discharge reports, follow-up reports, and effective patient status communication between departments. SMS facility for patient communication.
- Display of services in Doctor Screens, service equipment calibration, and maintenance through the Asset Management module.
- Create and store different consent forms in the system. Eg: Admission and Continuity of Care, Surgery, etc.
Care of Patients (COP)
- Recording treatment order and patient details each time it is entered.
- Emergency care documentation and patient waiting list status across all departments
- The system enables noting surgery patient details, sedation, and Anesthesia details, details of the patient undergoing surgeries, Operative notes, Post OP plan, and care details
Management of Medication in NABH compliance (MOM)
- The complete procedure for drug procurement, storage, prescription writing, dispensing, and mapping of doctors and drugs.
- Provide proper medicine and vendor management system and link doctors’ prescription orders to the pharmacy screen.
- Classify drugs by ABC analysis for better inventory control. The nursing station can view all the treatment orders given by the doctor.
- Recording post-medication condition of patient and follow-up
Patient Rights and Education (PRE)
- Bar-coding system- on important patient reports – to maintain confidentiality
- The system communicates the expected cost of treatment to patients for all conditions.
- Patient access to the clinical records for insurance purposes or leave at work.
- The patient charge sheet for rooms, investigations, surgeries and is editable
Hospital Infection Control in eye hospital compliance (HIC)
- Real-time asset tracking systems for patient wait time alerts.
- Monitoring temperature, air quality, odor, humidity, and infection control
With regards to the Organisation Centered Standards, Netra contributes in the following ways,
- Reports monitoring Clinical key indicators – patient assessment, lab/diagnosis, drug events, anesthesia, Medical record, HR, research, and Managerial key indicators – medicine procurement, utilization of space, manpower, equipment, patient satisfaction, time, employee status, etc.
- Modules clearly define the Responsibilities of Management and help the authority to decide on the user rights for each activity. Human resource module for people engagement, tracking of employment history, and performance appraisal.
- Information Management System to monitor daily hospital census and utilization/ notifiable diseases and report to authorities on a day/week/month/yearly basis.
Call us to know more about Netra 2.0 Ophthalmology EMR on cloud, and Netra 2.0 eye hospital software solutions.